CONNECT.TECH is the Southeast’s premier annual conference dedicated to JavaScript, Web and Mobile related technologies, tools, and frameworks. CONNECT.TECH will feature presentations and workshops from global technology and thought leaders as well as local community speakers. The 2015 event had 700 people and we are planning for 900 total people for 2016.


Workshop day: October 20

Main conference days: October 21-22

click to see details

Thursday October 20th

Friday October 21st

Core JavaScript & Frameworks (Room ABE)
React.JS (Room C)
AngularJS (Room D)
JavaScript Practices (Room 104)
Web / HTML / CSS (Room F)
Design & UI & UX (Room 103)
PHP (Room 117)
Android (Room 115)
General Mobile: Design, Tools, Testing (Room 102)
iOS & Swift (Room 106)
Node.JS / Server-side JS (Room 105)

Infopocalyse 2020

Josh Marinacci

Saturday October 22nd

Core JavaScript & Frameworks (Room ABE)
React.JS (Room C)
AngularJS (Room D)
JavaScript Practices (Room 104)
Web / HTML / CSS (Room F)
Design & UI & UX (Room 103)
PHP (Room 117)
Android (Room 115)
General Mobile: Design, Tools, Testing (Room 102)
iOS & Swift (Room 106)
Node.JS / Server-side JS (Room 105)




We've hand picked these high-quality workshops just for you!

AngularJS 2 and TypeScript Workshop (SOLD OUT)Jeremy Likness

AngularJS is the incredibly popular framework for building single-page web applications. Version 2.0 is a major leap from the 1.x version designed to address shortcomings in the original 5+ year old framework and to embrace modern browsers and language features. It is being written using TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript that allows you to build code using next generation features and compile it to JavaScript that will run on current browsers. In this session Jeremy Likness goes hands-on to show you how to set up your environment and build your first application while teaching you about the advantages of the framework and language based on his years of in-the-field experience architecting enterprise Angular applications.

React.js Hands-on workshop (SOLD OUT)Taggart Bowen-Gaddy & Andrew Smith

React.js is a view library from Facecbook for building performant user-interfaces in JavaScript. In this session, we'll explore React.js and understand why it's a great step forward for building complex UI's that run fast. We'll code up an example web application using React.js and step through the basics of using the library while discussing concepts like the virtual DOM and components. This is a HAND-ON WORKSHOP, INTRODUCTORY LEVEL. Please come with a laptop, and if possible, with the software needed pre-installed (Instructions below). We'll cover these topics - both in code and in discussion format, and do as many as we can in the time alloted

Practically Functional Programming in JavaScriptBrian Lonsdorf

Functional programming is all the rage these days, but our codebases, libraries, and built-in methods are predominately Object-Oriented. Using OO syntax with functional constructs, we can write in a style compatible with either paradigm and enjoy the benefits of both. We will explore disjunction, monoids, monads, and other algebraic abstractions to produce highly composable, safer, and simpler code.

Swift and iOS KickstartCarol Shepherd

In this one day workshop, you’ll learn the syntax and patterns of Swift. We’ll begin with functions, collections, constants and variables. You learn about optionals, generics, and higher order functions before moving on to classes, subclasses, structs, enumerations, and protocols. Along the way, we’ll mix in "here's how we used to do it ... now let's make it Swift-like."

Animating the User Interface: Designing for MotionAngie Terrell

From transitions to loaders, user interfaces are coming alive with motion like we've never seen before. Animation, or “motion design,” has become an essential part of the designer’s toolkit for expressing fundamental interaction design principles. In this workshop, the instructor will show how the aims of interaction design are fulfilled through animation and will discuss what to consider when using animation in your own designs. Through discussion and hands-on implementation, attendees will learn to design and prototype animation using tools like Keynote, Principle, Pixate, or Invision.

ES6 (and beyond) WorkshopKent C Dodds

The EcmaScript standard is now on a yearly release cycle. With ES6 complete and ES2016 ratified, we have a ton of awesome new features to use in our daily software development. In this training, we'll learn about the features you're likely to use and benefit from on a day-to-day basis. In the afternoon, we'll take an existing application and update it to leverage these features using with modern tools like Babel. My goal is that after this training, you'll be able to go back to your projects and add these tools so you can write code today.

Advanced JavaScript: FoundationsKyle Simpson

In this one-day intensive course, we will dive deep into core mechanisms of the JS language, probably more than you ever have before. Our goal is to not merely understand what these things do, but how and why. We will cover: • nested lexical scope • hoisting • closures • modules • 'this' keyword • common oo patterns • object prototypes • delegation vs inheritance

Up and Running with Ionic 2 and Angular 2Mike Hartington

In this workshop you will be introduced to the Ionic v2 framework, a powerful hybrid mobile solution. Built atop of Angular 2 and Apache Cordova, this framework gives developers an incredibly powerful set of mobile components to create app store-ready apps. During the workshop you will become familiar with the Ionic CLI, and the frameworks new features while creating an actual mobile app. Whether you are a seasoned Ionic v1 developer, or looking to get started with Ionic, this workshop will have something for you.

Featured Speakers

See all Speakers >>>

Animating the User Interface: Designing for Motion
Navigating the React Ecosystem
Isomorphic React w/o Node??
JavaScript error reporting and why we can't have nice things
Practically functional programming
Oh Composable World!
AngularJS 2 and TypeScript Workshop
Introduction to Angular2
A Journey in Web VR
Practical Performance Tips to Make Your Cross Platform Mobile Apps Faster
Composition vs. inheritance
Testing ES6 and TypeScript apps with Intern
Creating meaningful HTML and CSS
Android Development For Arduino 101
Advanced JavaScript: Foundations
Ignite Your App Development With NativeScript and Firebase
Introduction to npm as a Build Tool
Up and Running with Ionic v2
Ionic 2: A new way to do mobile
Engaging Engineering Teams in Design
Extending React.Component for Fun and Profit
React Router 4.0: What's New

In this third edition of the event, we have improved the conference experience to create a low-cost but still very high-quality event for the Atlanta, Southeast, and International software development community. We'll have speakers and attendees from all over the planet!

Diversity scholarships will be available via Women Who Code Atlanta

Join our growing list of awesome sponsors!


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Silver Sponsors

IoT Lounge

Lanyard Sponsor

Name Badge Sponsor

Community Sponsors

Media Partners

Location: Cobb Galleria Centre

Conference hotel: Sheraton Suites Galleria (click image to book)